bet8登录 offers several programs aimed at supporting first-year students. 学术支持项目,如Arthur O. 高等教育机会计划(HEOP), 大学科学技术入学计划(CSTEP), and Science Pathways Scholars Program (SP²) offer select students from academic, 金融, 以及四年来的同伴支持. The 杰出学者 program provides a unique four-year scholarly experience for a select group of high-achieving students in a cohort with other outstanding students. 最后, the Music Lesson Exchange Program with The Juilliard School 或者是 Manhattan School of Music offers the highly talented music student the opportunity to apply and, 如果承认, to receive lessons from a Juilliard or MSM master teacher while studying at Barnard.
纽约州资助的Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) provides access to a Barnard education for high-achieving students from economically under-resourced backgrounds. 被HEOP录取的学生展示了这种精神, 开车, 好奇心, 这是bet8登录学生的特点. Our scholars also achieve academically, despite a lack of 金融 and academic resources.
The HEOP Scholars Program was established at Barnard in 1970 and is funded in partnership with New York State. 学生 must be residents of New York State in order to apply f或者是 program. Our scholars are part of a small community with extra mentorship and support to persist through the challenging and exciting transition to college, bet8网页登录大学四年的成长, 毕业后的几年.
For more information about eligibility and program details, please visit the HEOP网站. If you have questions regarding HEOP's application requirements or process, 请联系埃里克Gredonia, 高级招生主任, at egredoni@sc156.net.
The 大学科学技术入学计划(CSTEP) at bet8登录 provides services that increase recruitment, 保留, and placement of eligible students in CSTEP-targeted fields and licensed professions. The program provides opportunities for historically underrepresented or 金融ly under-resourced Barnard students who are New York State residents and intend to pursue or show ability in the STEM fields, 与健康有关的领域, 和/或持牌专业. CSTEP is a New York State-funded program first introduced in 1986. bet8登录 began its program in 2006 and is sponsored by both the New York State Education Department and bet8登录. 除了学术咨询和辅导, CSTEP provides paid opportunities for internships and research opportunities, 包括会议赞助, and assistance with graduate school exam preparatory courses.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 CSTEP网站. If you have questions regarding CSTEP's application requirements or process, 请联系埃里克Gredonia, 高级招生主任, at egredoni@sc156.net.
科学路径学者计划- (SP)²
科学之路学者计划, 或(SP)², is a highly selective four year program that supports talented young women from low-income and/or first-generation college students who convey strong interest in biology, 化学, 环境科学, 物理学和天文学, 或神经科学. 学生 who are selected as (SP)² Scholars will benefit from an exceptional set of opportunities and resources, 包括四年的理学院指导, 暑期有偿研究机会, and a week-long expenses paid trip to campus for entering students to meet science faculty and tour research facilities and departments.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 (SP)²的网站. If you have questions regarding the program's application requirements or process, 请联系Priscilla Kong, 招生官, at pkong@sc156.net.
Barbara Silver Horowitz '55 杰出学者 Program
The Barbara Silver Horowitz '55 杰出学者 Program, 前身为bet8登录百年学者计划, was established in 1985 to help the College educate extraordinary young women bound for achievement. The Program provides a unique four-year scholarly experience in a cohort with other outstanding students. 它为参与者提供了一个知识社区, 与特邀嘉宾互动, 偶尔参加校外的特别活动, 进行研究的资金, and a chance under the mentorship of a faculty member or outside expert to create an ambitious final project that will be presented to faculty and peers. The nature of the work produced varies according to the student, 如下所述, and may or may not be related to their Barnard capstone thesis.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 杰出学者网站. If you have questions regarding the program's application process, 请联系丹尼尔Schiestle, 高级招生主任, at dschiest@sc156.net.
Music Lesson Exchange Program with The Juilliard School or Manhattan School of Music
除了音乐课程, 主要的, 私人课程, and many performance opportunities available to Barnard students through our music department and relationship with Columbia, Barnard also offers highly talented music students the opportunity to apply f或者是 Lesson Exchange Program with Juilliard 或者是 Manhattan School of Music (MSM). Both programs require a separate application in addition to your Barnard application on the Common Application or Coalition Application, 还有一次试镜. The Lesson Exchange Program at MSM and Juilliard provides students with private weekly lessons with faculty. It is important to note that the Lesson Exchange Program does not include participation in large ensembles. 学生 in the Juilliard program can take classes in instrumental or vocal performance (Classical or Jazz) and piano composition. MSM students can take lessons for instrumental or composition only.
For more information regarding the audition requirements and program details, please view the 朱丽亚音乐网站 或者是 曼哈顿音乐学院网站. If you have questions regarding the application requirements or process, 请联系恩典布拉德利, 招生副主任, at gbradley@sc156.net.