日期 | Time | 位置 |
星期三,2024年8月28日 | 早上8点到下午2点 | 招生欢迎中心(Sulzberger Annex) |
- 访问bet8登录 将邀请选定数量的机会计划, 国际(持F1签证), and FLI First Year students to participate in a pre-orientation program, 谁会先搬进来.
学生将通过电子邮件收到选择a 入住到达时间 八月初.
Detailed information about move-in will be shared with students closer to Move-In Day.
日期 | Time | 位置 |
星期三,2024年8月28日 | 上午10点到下午1点 | 招生欢迎中心(Sulzberger Annex) |
学生将通过电子邮件收到选择a 入住到达时间 八月初.
Detailed information about move-in will be shared with students closer to Move-In day.
持续的学生 (including those returning from a leave of absence) will select 入住时间 (见下文)在以下日期/时间入住. 学生 may select any available time slot (check-ins are not determined by class year).
不幸的是 we are not able to provide evening check-ins after the time slots end each day.
日期 | Time | 位置 |
星期六,2024年8月31日 | 上午9点到下午5点 | bet8登录大厅 |
周日,2024年9月1日 | 上午9点到下午5点 | bet8登录大厅 |
星期一,2024年9月2日 | 上午10点到下午4点 | bet8登录大厅 |
晚签到: 2024年9月3日- 6日,星期二-星期五 |
上午9:30 -下午4:30 | Res Life办公室(苏兹贝格110号) |
Detailed information about move-in will be shared with students closer to Move-In day.
学生 will need to show their 学生 ID when checking in. 如果您在暑假期间遗失了身份证,请参阅 学生证部分 以下是替换信息.
协助NSOP的学生,如迎新领导等. will receive information about early move-ins from the offices they’re working with later this summer. 不幸的是, we are not able to provide early check-in for students not working with campus offices for NSOP.
持续的学生 new to campus housing for the Spring (returning from leave, 留学归来, 等)将选择a 入住到达时间 (见下文)在以下日期/时间办理入住手续.
日期 | Time | 位置 |
2025年1月18日,星期六 | TBD | TDB |
星期天,2025年1月19日 | TBD | TDB |
2025年1月20日,星期一 | TBD | TDB |
星期二,2025年1月21日 | 上午9:30 -下午4:30 | Res Life办公室(苏兹贝格110号) |
Detailed information about moving in will be shared with students closer to the Move In day.
学生 will need to show their 学生 ID when checking in. 如果您遗失了身份证,请参阅 学生证部分 以下是替换信息.
To help the College coordinate and ensure a smooth process, all students will need to select a 入住时间 (并显示条形码,见下文)
学生 will be emailed instructions for selecting 时间段s on the 房地产门户网站 当可用:
- 秋季入住——指示通过电子邮件发送过来 8月初
- 春季入住——指令通过电子邮件发送过来 12月下旬
When student arrive to move in, they will need to show their 签入条形码.
Please make sure that the following are all visible on the screenshot or print out.
- 名字
- 房间号码
- 时间段
学生可以打印或截图条形码上 房地产门户网站 在他们选择了 入住时间.
- 秋季入住——指示通过电子邮件发送过来 8月初
- 春季入住——指令通过电子邮件发送过来 12月下旬
只在入住当天, the typical guest policy is adjusted to account for the influx of residents' family and supporters to provide help moving in.
- 作为一名即将入学的bet8登录学生, participating in First-Year and 新的转移 student Move-in, you are required to register yourself and any guests planning to access the main campus on Move-in day. 请使用 学生 & 入住客人登记表 to register yourself (incoming student) and any guest(s) coming to campus to help you move in.
- 抵达校园后, registered students and guests will be required to check in to receive an access wristband prior to 住宅生活 and NSOP check in. This wristband will also provide your guest(s) access to other events that day.
- Helpers under the age of 18 are permitted members of your move-in party, but 必须由父母或监护人全程陪同吗.
- The resident will be provided with the number of move-in guest stickers requested, 在整个入住过程中都必须佩戴.
- 请注意,客人贴纸是 只在入住当天有效 也不会让客人过夜.
我们要求学生 & families to keep in mind that any future visits (outside of move-in day) by a guest under the age of 18 必须 be approved by the College by submitting a 小客人许可申请表 在参观前最少两个工作天(更多信息).
只在入住当天, the typical guest policy is adjusted to account for the influx of residents' family and supporters to provide help moving in.
- 当学生报到并签收房间钥匙时, they will be asked how many helpers are in their move-in party, 如果这些人中有未满18岁的.
- Helpers under the age of 18 are permitted members of your move-in party, but 必须由父母或监护人全程陪同吗.
- The resident will be provided with the number of move-in guest stickers requested, 在整个入住过程中都必须佩戴.
- 请注意,客人贴纸是 只在入住当天有效 也不会让客人过夜.
我们要求学生 & families to keep in mind that any future visits (outside of move-in day) by a guest under the age of 18 必须 be approved by the College by submitting a 小客人许可申请表 在参观前最少两个工作天(更多信息).
学生体验 & 订婚 (SEE) office will email new enrolling students about NSOP (the 新生迎新计划)接近学期开始. 资料也可在 bet8登录.edu/studentlife/orientation.
The area in front of each residence hall is reserved for short-term 卸货只.
请不要让你的车无人看管. Do not double-park cars as this blocks the unloading zone for other people. 双停的汽车可能会被纽约警察局开罚单或拖走.
After unloading items, cars will need to relocate to provide access for others. Metered street parking in the neighborhood will be limited, so please check out the 停车场名单 在该地区.
A limited number of carts will be available for use from the front desk of each residence hall. 学生 are encouraged to bring their own cart, hand truck, dolly, 等. 帮他们把物品搬进宿舍.
学生必须 carry their 学生 ID at all times for swipe access to their residence hall and other buildings on campus.
ID cards are printed in advance of students' arrival to campus. 学生必须 在线提交照片 在“注册学生待办事项列表”的截止日期前完成."
Returning students who lost their 学生 ID over the summer should fill out the 身份证换领表格 以协助换领新身份证.
学生亦可向本处申领补领身份证 哥伦比亚ID中心.
请咨询 这个列表 推荐和禁止的物品. 在车里给自己留点空间, 手提箱, 等, by leaving things behind that are not permitted in the residence halls!
Because space is tight, we encourage students to bring only the essentials. It's easier to purchase needed items after you move in than bringing too many belongings with you and not having room to store them. Additionally, we encourage you to refrain from purchasing and/or cutting carpets, curtains, 等. 直到你走进自己的房间,进行精确的测量.
For information about how to find your mailing address and how to address mail & 套餐,请浏览 学生邮件信息.
所有的邮件 & 包 必须 be addressed to students' mailboxes in the Barnard 邮件 Room. Any mail or 包 addressed to a student's residence hall would be "returned to sender."
bet8登录收发室将接受邮件 & 包 for students starting 3 days before their scheduled move-in date.
The 邮件 Room will be open during the following hours on scheduled move-in days:
- 2024年8月28日(星期三)——上午8点至下午5点45分
- 2024年8月31日星期六——上午9点至下午3:45
- 2024年9月1日(周日)——上午9点至下午3:45
- 2024年9月2日星期一,劳动节休馆
For additional mail room hours (and additional information about campus mail), please visit bet8登录.edu/mail-services.
学院和住宿生活 & 住房 are committed to sustainable practices and climate action. 通过规划“绿色”迁入,帮助我们实现这些目标!
- 搬家前先把东西处理掉! 你的房间空间有限, so bring only the essentials to make your move lighter and more energy-efficient.
- 而不是买全新的纸板箱, 问问当地的杂货店, 硬件, 酒, 或干货存放箱. 或者,使用可重复使用的塑料桶.
- Instead of packing your boxes with newspaper or bubble wrap, use your towels or bed linens.
- 搬进来之后, break down your boxes and put them in the recycle bin (in the Quad, take them to the basement); or better yet, flatten them and save them or send them home for a future move!
For 更多信息rmation about the College's sustainability and climate action, please visit bet8登录.edu/sustainability-climate-action.
有关该地区酒店的列表,请访问 bet8登录.edu/accommodations.
- 我们鼓励您参观 新学生 常见问题页面 & 关于住在校园宿舍的答案.
- Information about Orientation Week (NSOP) will be available at bet8登录.edu/studentlife/orientation-nsop.